Card Readings

Angel card reading for January 1 – 7 2018

2017-10-15 12.32.51

This card is about endings and new beginnings. With this being the 1st day of the new year, how perfect is this card? It is also about taking immediate action. If you have a New Year’s Resolution, intention, or are just considering starting or learning something new, this card is your sign to start TODAY. You don’t have to do it all right now, just get started. With this card following last week’s Change in Direction reading, now is the time to start taking those steps to make that change. With the pairing of the purple color scheme of this card and the light guiding the angel in the picture, this is a call to move forward with faith. Change can be scary but trust that you are being guided and supported by Divine light and love.

If you are in a toxic/abusive situation, the angels are urging you to get out ASAP. If not knowing how to get out or what will happen if you do is keeping you stuck, be open and receptive of their help and the angels will move mountains for you. Surrender any guilt and/or negative emotions to the light.

If letting go at the end of a cycle (relationship, job, etc.) is difficult for you, the angels urge you to allow yourself to grieve. Hanging on to something that’s over is causing you (and anyone else involved) more pain than if you were to simply accept and surrender. Though you may not see it now, moving forward will serve you better than holding on to the past. The situation has served its purpose. Let go, grieve, heal, and then move forward with your new beginning. Call upon the archangel Michael for help with courage, the archangel Azrael for help as you grieve, and the archangel Raphael for help with healing.




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As always, sending love your way

~ Liz

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*Card deck used: Daily Guidance from Your Angels oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

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